
Who Knew???

I'm not sure how many of you have seen this commercial where 4 professional looking women watch as a 5th woman gets off the elevator in her going to a funeral black dress, which happens to have silver buttons up and down her back. Which initiates a playful hand game that I know and used to play, called Miss Mary Mack.

So as with everything I come across that brings up memories of my childhood, I got to thinking about the origin of the song, so my inquiring mind wanted to know. I found this very interesting.

There were variations of the song that said it was a old hymn sung by slave children, but also could have referred to a ship during the Civil War:

Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack (name of the ship)
All dressed in black, black, black (ironclad ships were popular at the time.)
With silver buttons, buttons, buttons (bolts)
All down her back, back, back (ships are referred to as females.)
She asked her mother, mother, mother (the Confederate States of America)
For fifteen cents, cents, cents (the Confederate States Army were going through major money problems)
To see the elephants, elephants, elephants (elephants are the symbol of the Republican party, which was the majority of the North, and the Union)
Jump over the fence, fence, fence (the boundary line)
They never came back, back, back
Until the fourth of July, ly, ly (American Independence Day)

Interesting Indeed.


Dayne Avery said...

yes very interesting. What's up long time no hear.

WhozHe said...

Wow, that's amazing. I would have never even put the two together.

Mr. Jones said...

You might be on to something here, D.

Lots of stuff was sung/spoken/read in code back then, so this doesn't have surprised me.

D.LavarJames said...

Dayne - where have u been, we miss you, come back to us! Hope all is well

whozhe - it is amazing

mr jones - i love how there is so much code out there, and Ima crack them all!!

Darius T. Williams said...

Yea, that's interesting - but I've never seen the commercial. You should provide a youtube link.

Omar Ramon said...

VERY interesting. hm.......... i used to play that game...hey ,my strict ass parents wouldn't allow me off the block and i only had girls to play with... don't judge me

BuddahDesmond said...

Wow! This is quite intriguing. Funny what comes up when researching the origin of something. Usually, it's something much deeper than what's on the surface.