
What Took So Long???

Finally, after about a life time of marriage (3 years by entertainment industry standards) Miss. Reynolds is getting a divorce from her wife, Star Jones, =) I don't like being catty, but I couldn't resist. I don't know why she even married Big Gal Al, but they say love is blind. Actually no one knows if he is gay or not, but one thing I do know, is my gaydar is up to par on most occasions. I mean, what straight man do you know, that wears the big cunty sunglasses like the pair in the picture. Even the heterosexuals could see that there wasn't something quite on the up and up, or dare I say the straight and narrow, it's going to be field day to see where the media goes from this. I mean this is the same woman that put on this spectacle of a wedding in front of the whole world to see in the first place. I wonder if she's going to have to give a lot of those corporate gifts back? Oh well, a divorce is already painful enough, and I hope the world can be spared the pain of having to hear about this for long. That is all for now.


BuddahDesmond said...

LMAO! It's not funny but I can't help but laugh. I saw the headline about this on Yahoo news just before leaving work today. I knew it was only a matter of time before one of them came to their senses. Oh well. I also hope that this will be swept under the rug and handled as quickly and quietly as possible, for their sake (and ours).

Darius T. Williams said...

LOL - see...gay marriages don't last - lol. Nah, let me stop. She was just one of those females that thought she could do what she could - which was nothing.

j_shanlin said...

i hate her neck!

D.LavarJames said...

all of you are too funny!!!

Anonymous said...

I hate her neck too. Some women think they can convert a gay (or bisexual) man. HA!

RocaFella07 said...

After a while, wearing a Beard can become madd uncomfortable.

