
Go Barack Obama, Go!

Yeah, I know folks, It has been a minute, but you have to understand there is a lot going on with me at the moment and I havn't been in the mood. I'll get into that in another post.

But you know I could not resist posting about my boy, my homie, my favorite politician, that's right ladies and gents (uses term lightly): Mr. Barack Obama!!!

No matter what the outcome come November, History has really started. This is a time where people of all races and backgrounds need to come together as a cohesive whole and vote for the person that will benefit his country as a true leader.

Of course the next few months the gloves are officially going to come off while Mr. Obama really starts getting attacked from all sides on a level that will show just how ignorant the Republican party can truly be. But hey, they might surprise us and not take the ignorant road, but I'll hold my breath.

Now Miss Hillary is saying that she does not mind being the vice president right? Okay last time I checked, you really didn't have a choice. But you know what yall? If Barack does pick her, I wouldn't blame him either. I mean if he decides to pick the scuzz bucket who was probably trying to prove she had balls too, by attacked him viciously and mercilessly, I would pick her too actually. There's always a reason to have a Bitch on a short leash so you can keep her in the same yard.

Go Barack, GO!


Darius T. Williams said...

Yea man...we r all happy about this win. All of us. I hope ur doing well too.

j_shanlin said...

Yeeeeessss B-Rock!

Ty said...


Kyon Saucier said...

If he wins Delvin I will dance in the streets and I have a feeling you will too! Vive Barack le futur president des Etas Unis!!!!

Your Favorite Teacher said...

Check out my post on the best VP choice for Obama...

Soldier said...

it's strange but personally i'm actually scared for him... if he gets voted President of the US... how do u pick up where the the other left, when the previous is G.W. Bush ???

I mean, just imagine the things that could resurface and that he could be held responsible for...

good luck B.O.