

As the clock slowly ticks on down to a brand New Year and we say goodbye to 2007, I can't but help thinking that my life has taken such a wonderful turn this past year that I will actually miss it some. In the past I couldn't wait for the year to be over and a new one to try to make it better, but that's not really the case this time. Am I excited about 08? Sure I am, because of the good things in 07, I'm ready to see what better things lie down the road.

The last few weeks have been the most interesting and fulfilling of the year if I say so myself. My job continues to be a pleasant experience and I was even more shocked to receive my very first bonus ever! I have never worked anywhere before where the job is just as grateful of its employees as it's employees are to have a job. I was discussing this with my mother, my best friend and she was like I should buy something that I really wanted. I was indecisive at first, because there were a couple things on that list. She mentioned something about a stereo that I had wanted since earlier in the year, which not only played my collection of Cd's but also docked my Ipod. After much debate and urging from her, saying I deserved something nice for myself, especially after all the hard work I've put in over the years to get to this point. I was like, you are absolutely right and went ahead and splurged a little. And to make things even better, the site had taken down the price for the holidays.

I can't believe a few months and posts ago I just wanted to sleep my way thru the holidays. I wasn't looking forward to them at all, but after Thanksgiving I think I was recharged enough to put an effort in, and it paid off wonderfully. I am the kind of person that would rather buy the people that I care about gifts and make them happy instead of expecting something in return. This year however I was pleasantly surprised that my boo got me a digital camera, and the parental units bought me something that I considered, but never really expected on some level:

The Nintendo Wii is one of best game systems I have played in ages! It has brought back that inner child that I thought was lost forever. I haven't played games on an everyday basis like I have this past week probably since I moved to DC, but I am definitely getting a kick out of it. The fact that I can download old Nintendo game from all the previous consoles is a delightful bonus I did not expect.

Now as we hop into this New Year, I know that my birthday is around the corner, and although I don't expect much, there is something that I have my eye on to purchase for myself:

But the bigger picture is using all of 08 to prepare for my 30th birthday on 09. I mean, you only turn 30 once, at least most of us. So of course I have to find the perfect place to go and there are so many places I would love to see, so hence using the entire year to do so.

But 08 is not only going to be used on self indulgent things, but also trying to better myself further than I have done this past year. I want to get myself out of the small but tedious debt that I have accumulated over the years. I want to also use 08 as a starting point on going to grad school and getting my Masters in Non-profit management. I would also like to seriously getting back involved with my fraternal duties and get back to volunteering, especially with kids.

So look out 08, here I come!


Mr. Jones said...

Happy New Year, Delvin.

life said...

Happy New York!!! I hope you accomplish everything you put your hands to do. That's a bad coat

Unknown said...

Happy new year boy! I'm so glad to see all is going well and that you're looking nowhere but up as you go into '08! It really is about perspective and I think yours is pointed in the right direction! I'm considering the Wii myself (...and I'm not even a gaming person) but if I get the hang of it we'll have to do a Wii party and play my fave...Mortal Kombat...FINISH HIM!

D.LavarJames said...

@ mr jones - thanks man, back at ya

@ life - I hope I do too, and best wishes for a great new year to u too

@ cocoa - I'm tryna look up. You should get a Wii too though, IT IS HOT!!! and Mortal Combat was the ish ...FLAWLESS VICTORY!!1 Yeah!

Darius T. Williams said...

So Yea - we made it - Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! Nice Blog!