
Employee with Goals!

I completed my first week at my new job and I will say that it went pretty smoothly. Not only am I doing something completly different, but I have already jumped into many projects and responsibilities. Of course there is some nervousness involved, but I know that once I get used to the everyday grind. It seems that there is always something going on, such as the going away party that one of the departments had for a co-worker that had been there only 2 years but made a huge contribution to the organization. As I sat there listening to my other co-workers talk and thank her for the things that she had done as well as the bright personality that shone from her amongst so many people, I couldn't help but think, "hey, I wouldn't mind if that were myself one day!" I mean, I have always been a shy sort of person, until very recently. So with the shyness, It prevented me from doing a lot of things that I know that I could of done in the past. It might have even hindered me from moving ahead or staying happy with previous jobs. I know its only been a week, but this new gig, seems like it would be something that I would be happy with for many years as I move along thru my life. The atmosphere is very inviting and the people just seem really nice, and more than half have been there for awhile themselves.

I hope that I can be the kind of employee that my co-workers will have a lot of appreciative words to say about me, if and when I move on. Then again, it's not like I will have to reinvent myself in any type of way if I look at my job as a friend that I get aong with very well. Because one thing I can say about myself is that I am the type of person that those that need me can count on and I try and go beyond the call of duty to be there when needed. But only time can tell.


iii said...

It's good that you had a well-balanced work week. As long as you know you put in 100% daily then you will be just fine in your organization.

D.LavarJames said...

Kensilo, this is so tru. I am puttin in 110%