I'm the type of person who is not really into politics, never have been, never will be. But I am self aware that the current administration is so screwed up they can't even think nor see straight. So when I mentioned in a previous post how ecstatic I would be for January 20th, 2009 to get here, I think it might have even been an understatement. But at the same time that a whole hell of a lot of us will be relieved to see someone new in the white house, one cannot help but feel a little worried that we might trade one dummy for another. And believe me there are quite a few of them in the race so far, but I digress.
So I was in the book store today browsing through the magazines will I see a familiar face staring at me from multiple angles.

And when I looked up I was like, I'll be damned! There he was, Mr. Barack Obama gracing the cover of the September issue of
GQ. I wanted to shout and be like I know that's right boy! But I was able to refrain myself while I went to the back of the rack and picked up the most clean crisp version I could find. I have a bad habit of making sure I grab the best looking version of a magazine that's out, especially when someone I like is on the cover. Is it just me, or do you sometimes even buy magazines you have never heard of just because of who or what is on the front?
So of course as I was about to walk away I caught Barack on another cover of a magazine that I was actually shocked to see him on, but even more impressed. I don't really buy
Vibe magazine as much as I used to during my high school or college days unless someone I admire is on it's cover as well.

(How I wanted to buy the one with R Kelly on it last month just so I could burn it! But again I held myself back.)
A magazine reaching out to young urban culture put aside the hot singer or rapper with the latest song out to grace their annual juice issue, but instead chose a person that could possible be running the country in just a year and a half. And they gave him 2 different covers!
Regardless of who wins when it comes down to it, I wouuld vote for the man almost on class by itself. Magazines are one outlet to get yourself out there, and just in the last year I've seen Mr. Obama on the cover of
Time, Men's Vogue, and
Ebony. With all that coverage, you would think that he was a cover model. Whether you do become the nations next commander in chief is yet to be determined, but with this much press, I'm sure that he'll be around for a long time to come!
Good blog! I am glad you are out here! I like Obama, but he won't be getting my vote, despite his cover model good looks.
thanks man, it's much appreciated!
I never thought I would see a man of color this close to the presidency (Jessie Jackson is excluded). It goes to show times do change.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. IMHO, Obama's 'rock star' image is going to ultimately cause his demise. While he appeals to the young, hip crowd, on balance VIBE readers (and to a lesser extent GQ readers) don't go out and vote.
Early on in his campaign, his people were relying on his popularity amongst the younger crowd a little too much. I mean, I can't say that I blame there. There really isn't much more to run with. He doesn't really have much experience to go on, he doesn't have an extensive track record to hang his hat on.
I never thought I'd see the day when democratic voters would give a woman the presidential nod before giving a man the nod...regardless of color.
On one hand, I'm glad that a black man has (had) a realistic shot at becoming president. On the other hand, I'm disappointed that this opportunity may (will probably be) squandered. The last Gallop poll indicated that Clinton is widening her lead. Time is simply running out for the Obama camp.
Yeah Dayne, I will agree that times are a changin. And let's not even go there with Jesse, lol
and Mr. Jones, I actually understand what tou mean. I tell people that all the time, that I'm glad a black man is running, but when it comes down to picking one democrat over the other, I know a lot of people are on the fence such as myself. I would rather go with experience rather than "just because he's black" I think what he's doing now could make him viable for 2012 or 16 but right now it's too early.
But if it comes down to him and a Republican, of course Ima vote for him! =)
Barack is a great contender for President. I will def. vote for him. He has personality and stage presence.
I also buythe crips magazines because one I want to get my money worth and two I am one who keeps almost all of the magizines I purchase.
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