Sure, I took some Spanish in high school and college, and even a little French, but over the years none of them really stuck with me because I did not take them as seriously nor practiced as I should have. So now that I am officially ready to start my journey into becoming multi-lingual, what better time then the present.
So, why Italian you ask?
Since I have taken Spanish and French it would make sense to re familiarize myself with one of the 2, rather then start with a whole new language, but with anything in my life, I don't always take the most obvious road. Plus there is more of an underlying reason why I decided to start my multi-lingual journey with Italian, and not the more popular Spanish.
One of the main reasons that I wanted to learn Italian first and foremost is one that many people personally don't even know. But the simple answer is it's apart of who I am. I was genuinely surprised and intrigued a few years ago, when I found out that my paternal grandfather was half Italian, from his mother. I mean to actually find that connection sent me into curious mode, because I didn't know my biological father at all, so I didn't know too much about that side of my family either. So this was one connection that I could finally make. Since I've moved to the DC area I have made it my business to get to know a lot more since Baltimore is only a jump away. But I digress.
I wanted to immediately learn the language and although he (grandfather) himself passed over a year ago, it's something I still desire and will finally get to fulfill. So to make a long story short I wanted to become fluent in the language of Italy, then go back to Spanish and possibly French and/or something else. Plus you don't see many black folks walking around that know how to speak Italian.
I wouldn't mind learning Italian. For some reason I thought it would be cool to learn German and Russian. I speak German fairly fluently, but gave up on Russian. I can't do it.
Speak French it is better than Italian! Plus French opens up much more the African Diaspora world than Italiano.
I wan't to be fluent in a foriegn language. I didn't do so well in spanish back in high school.
@ Jones - cmon you should, and then we could chat in Italian, lol. I lived in Germany for 3 years as a kid, and I remember very little, but I know Russian was probably hard.
@ Kyon - I tried and I have to disagree, plus it's part of MY heritage.
@ Dayne, it never hurts to try it now, I think we all did bad when we were in school and had other priorities, lol
Have fun - I wonder if they'll have an Italian night outing. I love a great Chicken Parm!
especially w/the potato croquet
and the crusty bread w/olive oil and balsamic
Hmmm...take it from me you should've stuck with Spanish...just think of the conversations that could be had...
Unless you're going to get a show on the food channel - I'm crackin' up with you guys and the meals...havin' a hermano hungry over here - it just makes better sense. Spanish is the #2 language in the world...not to mention the #1 language for OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD booty. LOL
@ darius - that would be hot to be taken somewhere, especially for food!! I love Lasagne!
@ cocoa - I'm not giving up learning Spanish, and what I've found so far is that both are more similar of the Romance languages.
Out of this world booty huh? Could someone be biased? lol
New post.
Speaking Italian is so sexy. As well as French and Spanish.
Molto successo al pron signore!
i used to speak a lil' bit of German, now i just know English and Profanity. maybe i should take a class too, good luck!
@ Jones - I know, I know
@ sean - Grazie! Sono d'accordo
@ black guy - I speak profanity well too! But you should try somethin if you want.
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