The Labor Day weekend always brings about the end of the summer for everyone. I on the other hand always mark it as a beginning. It was on Labor Day weekend 5 years ago, that I packed up my belongings and moved out here to the Washington, DC area. Although I wasn't born in Kansas I spent most of my adolescence there and it's where the parental units still live, so all in all it is home.

A good friend of mine from back home reminded me yesterday that it was very admiring that I was able to pick up and start anew. I wasn't really sure if I deserved the credit for all of that. Basically it was a point in my life where I was in a situation that I was basically fed up with a lot of people (frat brothers, and a girlfriend I knew I didn't love and why). I had just graduated a few months earlier and decisions needed to be made. I had spent the last few years of college making sure that I did the things necessary to graduate, all at the same time being heavily involved in various organizations. I think I was spread thin and to say I was ready to literally crack was an understatement.
So after a couple months of summer R&R, I decided to make a new life and discover myself along with pursuing new opportunities that I knew were out there. And since I knew I had family out this way, Maryland made the most sense. I come from an area where people leave and move back like some magnet for human suffering and sometimes never leave again.

So as another friend jokingly said, he wanted to be like me when he grew up, because I actually in his terms made it. I had to remind him that I have far from made it, and there were many times in the first couple of years out this way when I was emotionally homesick and almost did make my way back to the comfort of home
But thru and thru I stuck it out and here we are 5 years later. In this short time I have struggled but persevered and discovered many things about myself that I didn't know before, and some things that I knew but suppressed. I mean it was Kansas after all!! There are many things I miss about the good ole' Midwest, especially my parents, but there are things that I have grown accustomed to that I would miss if I were to ever move, and some things I know I could live without (The Metro, but I know that will make it's own post one day).
I am glad with the decision that I made that summer 5 years ago, and in the end I know that we make decisions in life that lead us down certain paths. I am a changed but better person because of mine. I also know that I am still a work in progress and many other roads to explore.
Congratulations on being able to define and attain a plan for changing your life. not many young folks (or older ones!) can attest to that. Best of luck in the future!
Being able to start over is definitely commendable. There are so many times I've wanted to do that. Every time I have moved somewhere there was already a safety net in place. I keep telling myself that after graduation I want to pick up and go somewhere that I don't know anyone and see what I can make of the situation, but that thought scares me shitless. I like being near family because as I have gotten older I realized they are the only ones that even partially have my back and sometimes a phone call from 1000 miles away cant do the same as their presence. The opportunity to find her voice.
Good for you and congrats on making it 5 years.
I'm looking to do the same one of these days. Maybe Cali. I dunno.
@ black guy: Thanks, it was tough but it had to happen
@dayne: i came out here because I wanted to get close to family that I never knew, especially my half siblings, unfortunately I still don't see them as much, so nothing will ever compare to mom and pops
@mr.jones: i never been further west then colorado, i think cali would be too much for me, but i always wanted to visit San Fran or San Diego. But you should, but you'll know when the time is right! =)
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