There are several things in my life that I consider to be my "Guilty Pleasures", whether it be a favorite food, activity, place, etc. which I'll explore on numerous occasions such as today.
This week one of my guilty pleasures will mark the end of something that I have enjoyed for the last few years, or on the other hand, it could possibly mark the beginning?........
..........I speaking of course about Harry Potter!!!
Yeah, yeah, I know I'm probably one of a few people that would actually admit to being a fan, but I am. So what? I didn't even find myself enjoying the many characters that JK Rowling introduced to the world in the late 90's until two summers ago. This is when I decided to see what all the hype was about and read the books that had been made into the movies that were just as popular. This was around the time that the 6th book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince made its debut. So not only did I have to read the 5 previous books, but then the 6th. I was totally taken aback about how much the books were enjoyable. I mean I love to read, but reading that many in less than a month had to be a record even for me. And since that time I have seen the movies thus far too many times to keep track. Hell, some of you can quote The Color Purple by heart, so I can do the same with the series.

So when I say it's an end of an era, because once I've read the fates of these characters that will be it right? But then again I say maybe not, because the last two movies won't be released until 2008 and 2009. Not to mention that a theme park will be opening in honor of this fictional world in late 2009 as well. So who knows where that will take the many fans that have grown to enjoy such a multi dimensional character. All I can say is I've enjoyed the ride, and I hope to continue thru the very end.
I have never read a Harry Potter book or seen a Harry Potter movie. Are they really that captivating?
I didn't think they would be, but they really are. If you like fantasy type books and movies u would enjoy it. The books are really detailed and fun to read, and the movies add a certain face to the whole world.
But I'm a geek, so It could just be me, lol
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