Not only did it have 01.20.09 as the date on it which I find significant enough, (more on that is a second) but the "Bush's Last Day" underneath it made it even more worth wild! So I definitely picked me up a few of the bumper stickers that had this on it. If you haven't guessed it by now, I'm not a particularly big fan of the Bush (lol, in more ways then one). It's not that I hate the man per se, but I just don't like hypocrites. A recent move that just outlines his whole hypocrisy is the fact that not only did he veto the bill on stem cell research for the second time, but used his reasoning's as he wanted to safeguard all life because it was precious. Ain't that some shit!! Because the last time I checked, safeguarding life was not at the top of your list of priorities as a 4 year war has raged on unnecessarily with major losses of life, not only to the troops that were sent over there casually, but at the same time the many innocent people that have been unfortunate enough to get caught in the crossfire. Safeguarding All Life?, give me a friggin break! But I digress.
One of the reasons that the date stood out to me, was it so happens that January 20th is the day of my birth! And although I have over a year and a half until that fateful day in 2009, it will mark a milestone, being that it will actually be my 30th Birthday (biting my nails in nervousness). And although I am weary yet looking forward to becoming that age, who the hell can ask for a better gift? (One of several for everyone's safety). So as I step towards that point in my life, I can also take comfort in the fact I can countdown until the Bush's reign of terror ends.
Lambda Rising on Connecticut?
LOL Yeah man, It was Lambda Rising. They always have good items throughout.
lol...there's one on Baltimore too. I think they have one in Rehobeth too. I love that place. Good...items..lol.
Oh damn, I never knew there was one in Bmore. But then again, havn't been up that way in a minute. But yeah, very good items. lol
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